Tuesday 15 November 2011

Swaffham ‘Calendar Girls Style’ Calendar Supports Church Restoration Appeal

Eleven Swaffham businesses including the George Hotel and The Greyhound Inn are in a special ‘Calendar Girls style’ 2012 Calendar in aid of St Peter and St Paul Church Swaffham’s restoration appeal http://www.facebook.com/pages/2012-Calendar-Launch-in-aid-of-Swaffham-Church/202887466440395?v=info. The calendar features ladies from the church and staff from the businesses.

The church is staging a fundraising Christmas Tree Festival from Tuesday, November 29 to Thursday, December 8, daily 10am to 4pm featuring 20 trees trimmed by local charities.

Calendars are available in the church and at Pedlars Gold, Market Cross Bistro, Starlings and Just Hair in Swaffham or call 01760 721237 email keithcreed@aol.com.

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