Wednesday 22 July 2020

We're Good To Go

We're Good To Go! My guided tours have achieved the Industry Standard mark meaning that I have met Government and Industry COVID-19 guidelines.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Paul Dickson Tours Start Again in Norwich With Social Distancing

Shardlake's Norwich tour on Kett's Heights - 3 July 2020
I have started doing guided tours again in Norwich, primarily Shardlake's Norwich. The first Shardlake's Norwich tour was on Friday 3 July.

I am following Government guidelines, which state that six people from different households can  meet up outside. So, I am taking a maximum of five people on a guided tour, with social distancing.

Thank you very much to Riki and Jim for their feedback following Friday's tour: "Thank you for venturing out and giving us an excellent, informative and entertaining tour yesterday. We had a great visit and returned safely to Cambridge, our eyes wide at all the different sights and images we had seen after so long remaining within the Cambridge city boundaries."

View from Kett's Heights, Norwich, July 2020
For more information about my guided tours see , or email .